Payment Options (Use drop down arrow for one of the following:)
Make Membership Payment thru PayPal (Be sure to use the dropdown arrow to select the correct payment option)
You can also pay or renew by check delivered to the Vintage treasurer (Don Shrank), or to any team captain or board member.
The Application Process.
A completed signup means that an individual has BOTH submitted an application/waiver form AND paid dues.
Click here for the Vintage Softball Club Application/Waiver form. Please read the instructions at the top of the form before you submit it.
A completed application/waiver form can be submitted via email ( or by regular mail (use the address in the footer of this page) or by delivering a printed copy of the application to a team manager or club board member. An application is on file when received by the club secretary.
Dues (based on leagues you play in):
We collect dues on an annual basis to cover the overall costs to play on fields five days per week..... Your dues span the entire calendar year January 1st - December 31st. If you join and pay after October 1, your dues cover the rest of that year and the next (up to 15 months!).
All returning members must have paid by December 31st to be eligible to play in the new year after which you will not be allowed to play until dues are paid. We encourage people to pay early as it makes it easier for the league to keep track of,
For the 2025 season, Vintage dues have been adjusted to cover our increasing field costs (see the Oct 2024 board minutes for additional details).... Also note that the $200 fee option allows you to play in all leagues you qualify for. The only exception is if you play in the Fun division only for $120.)
Why Vintage Softball???
At Vintage, you’ll have the opportunity to play as many as three to five days a week, depending on your age and how much free time you have. To play with us, you must be at least 50 years of age and pay a modest annual membership fee. Players range from softball newbies to long-time players with 20 or more years of experience.
Our games are competitive but our primary goal is to have fun. Everyone plays, no matter their skill level. Even with this different focus, experienced ball players can find their match among the better players at Vintage
Playing Vintage Softball creates bonds that last for years, or even decades. Check out our new "Why Vintage" website section featuring an ever growing number of our ballplayers.....
Expect a Call from Your Manager
If you’ve just joined the league, you will be assigned to a team manager who will:
Equipment You’ll Need to Play
Please bring a glove, rubber-cleated softball/running shoes and a bat to your first game. You’ll find that many Vintage players use special Senior Softball composite bats to help them generate more power (these bats are not legal for use in any other leagues), but if you don’t have one, you may want to bring a borrowed aluminum or composite bat. Sometimes, team members may loan you their personal bats, but since these bats do break, it’s best if you can bring your own until you decide to invest in a composite bat (price: $150-$250). There are a lot of good local and online sources for equipment, links to which you can find here.
Rules and Playing Tips
In most Vintage games we do not use dedicated umpires. Instead, we divide umpiring responsibilities among catcher and base coaches. Consequently, we depend on players to be knowledgeable in both softball and Vintage-specific playing rules.
You’ll find Vintage members are very helpful, especially when it comes to familiarizing new players. You’ll also find that a wealth of playing knowledge and tips are readily shared by the Vintage membership.
To get acquainted with the rules, please familiarize yourself with Basic Rules of Play at Vintage Softball and consult the Vintage Softball Rule Book and Guide on this website.
Additional Opportunities to Play: Bucket Players
Often, teams don’t have a full complement on game day and are in need of 1-2 players to round out the team. If you’d like to be a standby for a game, please show up 15 minutes ahead of game time and place your name in a “bucket” from which managers will draw supplemental players at random. There are rules that govern the priority of selection, but the most relevant to new players is the preference given to players not yet assigned a team. If you have just joined the league and do not have an assigned team, you will be given priority over all others in the bucket - make sure you inform the managers of your unassigned status before the selections are started.
Player Attendance
Players are required to notify their manager if they will miss a game or expect to arrive late. After two failures to notify your manager, you may dropped from the roster with the consent of the league commissioner.
All team members are entitled to play in any game for their team in which they participate. If you show up less than 10 minutes late after scheduled game time, the last bucket player selected as your substitute will be dropped from play. But if you arrive more than 10 minutes late after scheduled game time, you may not play, at the discretion of the manager.
Player Draft: Assignment to New Teams
Player selection to new teams is made at least three times a year for Spring, Summer and Winter seasons at a league-wide draft conducted by team managers. Most players will find themselves moving to a new team 2-3 times per year. To allow for post-draft adjustments, players are not notified about their new teams by new managers for at least 48 hours after each draft.
Proper Warm Up. Check out this video of tips for warming up before you play.