Who (are you)....Matt Santos... current Vintage Webmaster (WM)
What (makes you tick)....Being a dog lover (especially Goldens) / the joy of being one of 16 brothers and sisters / joining a sail club / retiring in July 2024
When (did you start Vintage) ... Summer 2016
Why Vintage... Playing a sport I love with a great group & community of like-minded teammates (baseball loving, competitive and old!) .... Plus, holding a players draft every few months expands the opportunities to make even more friends🤙🏽
Who (are you)....Rick Newson, Vintage Secretary since 2022
What (makes you tick)....Hobbies include playing guitar, watching BA sports teams, but what really makes me happy is being with my family!
When (did you start Vintage) ... March 2008 when I was 49 y/o.
Why Vintage... I met the late John Baker at work and we started talking about softball. I hadn't played in many years and he told me about Vintage. What keeps me here is the great and wonderful people who make up our Club!
Who (are you).... Cole Maston "Dictator" (& current Vintage VP)
What (makes you tick)....Family, my dogs, and playing pinball both competitive and for fun.
When (did you start Vintage) ... Unofficially in 2021, officially October 2023
Why Vintage... I get to play softball for fun with my dad and friends in a semi competitive atmosphere. It's not a tournament atmosphere and more for camaraderie and having fun playing with a diverse group of people and being able to joke about it and not be serious.